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Square shaped spiral inductor HFSS simulation

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everybody, I'm a newbie in HFSS and I'm trying to simulate a spiral inductor focusing on high frequency resistance effects. To do this I made a spiral inductor on a FR4 substrate covering all with a box rapresenting the air. The boundary conditions are 1. Radiation for the air and 2.perfect E for the inductor.
My problems come out when I want apply sone signal to the structure. How can I do this ? a lumped port or a wave port? Do I need just to put a sheet between the two inductors terminals and impose a excitation on it?

Thank you very much for your helpfullness.


Hi I'm looking into the spiral coil simulation in HFSS. As i said in the post I'm having troubles assigning a lumped port to the spiral inductor. I've tried in two different ways...I upload both the models. In the first one I just connect the lumped port to the extremity of my inductor without any perfect E boundary, in the second one I use a box with Perfect E boundary condition to simulate a ground (?) . S-Parameters values look really similar but both different from measurements. Can anybody tell me if i'm making a mistake? Thanks in advance


Hi guys!

Can somebody help me?
I have always poblems with this simulation. I think there is something wrong because the resistance value at 1 MHz is smaller than the DC resistance value, which is in contradiction with the theory of the skin and proximity effect! The resistance should be at least bigger than the DC value!

Please, help me!
Thank you!

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