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how to build a Archimedean Spiral antenna model in HFSS

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am trying to design a spiral antenna (Archimedean) in hfss 15. I have been looking around this forum, there are some post about designs of this type of antenna ,but nothing about how to build the model. It is necessary to use the "draw equation based curve"? do i have to learn to write scripts to disign this antenna?. I would like to know if anyone here would be so kind as to give me at least some clue. (A example would be great)

Thank you beforehand

PD: Sorry if i am breaking any rule of the forum, i am new here

You can use HFSS Antenna Design Kit to create the spiral antenna. You can download it from ansys.com website.

Thanks, but I was hoping to achieve geometry on my own. But thank you for responding

I would use the parametric curve drawing feature in HFSS to create the particular spiral and then sweep a small circle along the curve to create a wire object for additional analysis. You can create a wide range of 3D lines using this feature but it takes a bit of work to understand how to use the feature. It also sometimes gives strange results if you happen to intersect the curve with itself.

As you can read above was trying to create a spiral antenna, but I followed the advice and I am using the Antenna design kit. Now the problem I have is that through this application I can not create the spiral antenna on a substrate (denim) and can maintain a good S11. For other types of antennas this program lets you choose the material of the substrate and its properties, but in the case of the spiral antenna does not let you choose.

I have tried to manually put on a substrate the antenna created through this application, but I get not very good features.
Could you give me some help with the design

Thanks in advance

You can use equation based model to create Archimedean Spiral antenna. Some EDA tool there are build in models for spiral geometry. Below is one example which I craeted in EMPro 3D EM tool

Thanks for your answer, but I have the doubt, once created the geometry in the programs you mention, can be exported to hfss ?

Yes , You can export geometry in for SAT, IGES or STEP for HFSS

Thanks @anilkrpandey, for your kind reply.
I'm trying to download the software, but it tells me that I have to wait for a student license to use it, I guess I'll have to wait because I can not find it free on the internet.

Apart from this, I wonder if you have experience in antennas. I am currently doing a project in which I must create an uwb (ultra wide band) antenna for body applications. If I can generate the spiral as you explained, I will try to recreate the results obtained in a paper.

In case you can not run this antenna, could you give me some tip to make the antenna ?. Is spiral topolgy what suits me? (In terms of ease of design). Maybe I should try another antenna topology? Any advice or if you could help me with some hfss file, I would appreciate it.

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