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2-d electromagnetic simulation software

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Does anyone know any free 2-d electromagnetic simulation software that can calculate transmission line parameters like characteristic impedance, propagation constant etc. including dispersion effects? Thanks.


This is not a 2d em software but it helps you ...& it is free...

TX-Line is a free, easy-to-use, Windows-based interactive transmission line calculator for the analysis and synthesis of transmission line structures. TX-Line enables users enter either physical characteristics or electrical characteristic for common transmission medium such as:
Coplanar waveguide
Grounded coplanar WG

TX-Line has an easy-to-use interactive graphical user interface and runs on Microsoft Windows 2000/XP.




Thank you, I know TXline. It is good but I need a solver for transmission lines with arbitrary cross sections. There is TNT (mmtl.sourceforge.net) software which is a full wave solver. I was looking for an alternative.

If you are working with cables, try EMC Studio, which includes Static2D solver to obtain LC parameters of arbitrary 2D cross-section and generates Spice circuits for cable bundle MTL model. Single wires, TWPs, ribbons, shielded (solid/braided shields) and multi-cables are supported.

As alternative 2D static solver you can also try Ansoft Maxwell SV.


is this txline an analytical equation based calculator, or a field solver (diff.equation computation)?

Txline is an analytical solver based on the quasi-static method.

I would recommend Transmatex. In addition to calculating frequency-dependent RLCG, characteristic impedance, and S-parameters, it can also model dispersive dielectric substrate for a causal solution.

I like TNT (alias MMTL).

MMTL, the Multilayer Multiconductor Transmission Line 2-D and 2.5-D electromagnetic modeling tool suite, generates transmission parameters and SPICE models from descriptions of electronics interconnect dimensions and materials properties
MMTL Homepage

Try this on-line 2d T-line solver:
Visit eecircle.com and follow the Microwave/RF link.

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