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Some questions regarding Waveguide structures

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
1. Why we always need certain length (λ/2) of interface in a filter?

Someone explained that such length is for eliminating high-order modes. But I don't quite comprehend how does this work, need more detail explanation from field or mode point of view.

2. Always have some confusion of resoante mode and tranmit mode.

e.g. I have a cavity, which can support several eigenmodes, TE(mnl), TM(mnl), TEM, even hybrid mode, etc
Then the cavity has two interface, one is WR75 (cutoff 7.8Ghz), the other side is WR229 (cutoff 2.6Ghz)
From here, I can assume, when an input gets into the structrue, the modes (TE(mnl), TM(mnl), TEM, & hybrid mode) whose resonate frequencies are over 7.8GHz will survive.

Am I correct?

Thanks for opinions.

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