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HFSS variable dependent frequency sweep

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

I'm trying to simulate a resonator with both a distributed part (planar spiral) and a lumped element capacitor in parallel.

I want to run an optimetrics sweep on the value of the parallel capacitor, but this changes the resonant frequency, so I want to tell HFSS to sweep around a different center frequency at each value (I have a good prediction for expected resonant frequency).
If I try to use a design variable in the definition of a frequency sweep, I get the following error: Start Frequency must be greater than 0.001
I get something similar in the Analysis Setup: Solution Frequency must be greater than 0.
This happens whether I use units in variable, or make a unitless variable and multiply it by 1MHz, etc.

Can anyone help me?


the same here. I have some elements with predefined parameters (β, ε) dependent on frequency (I have a cvs table)

I want HFSS to use values from that array corresponding to current frequency, or freq. sweep #number.

Examples: μ(ω) freq. dependency for magnetics, C(ω), β(ω) for matching microstrip transformers.

Just can't understand how to set this up?

Preliminary trial tells that HFSS cannot accept variable-style frequency setup. For example, FEKO can accept start/stop/center frequency as variables, but HFSS cannot. Any comment about this embarrassment?

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