How to compare variables name
In particular one of those variable is the input of a task and the other one is a variable declared in the main.
module ex(); logic clk; logic [ 3:0] btn; logic vaux2_p; logic vaux2_n; logic gpio1; logic gpio2; main dut( .clk(clk), .btn (btn), .vaux2_p (vaux2_p), .vaux2_n (vaux2_n), .pio3 (pio3), .pio4 (pio4) ); task test; input [ 7:0] a; input [23:0] v; input [23:0] s; integer f1; integer f2; begin f1 = Sfopen("file.txt","w"); if (!f1) begin Sdisplay("File \"file.txt\" cannot be opened!"); end else begin if(s=="dut.f") begin Sfwrite(f1, "1:\n"); end else if(s=="dut.f") begin Sfwrite(f1, "2:\n"); end end endtask initial begin test(8'h1a,16'hF0, dut.f); Sfinish; end endmodule
ASCII strings would be represented by string type, not bit vectors. There's however no direct access to object names. You may check if vpi_handle_by_name() serves your purposes.
Thanks for your reply, but it seems that vpi_handle_by_name() won't be useful in my case. Anyway I menage to compare the variables name in a different way. Thank you!
many years ago, some compilers/? would list all variables and what line they were on, in a program
it did not take into account subroutines and scope
perhaps your system has that capability
No I don't think my system has that capability, but using strings it has been possible to compare two variable names.
#2 I've noticed vpi handle in the vhdl standard? What is this?
Is this the way the software processes the rtl code.
Can you talk to modelsim/questasim or whatever software using these functions?
VPI is from verilog though apparently it has been partially ported to VHDL as VHPI. I only saw a link for GHDL having support, don't know if any other simulators support it.
Mainstream Verilog/Systemverilog simulators support VPI and it's predecessor PLI, it's a way to access the database that the simulator creates directly with the C programming language.