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ADS generated layout/footprint import in Altium

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I have an ADS generated layout. I would like to import that layout as a component's footprint in @ltium designer. Does anyone of you know the steps to do it?


If it's Gerber format you can import that into a PCB, then copy and paste into a footprint. Gerber is troublesome since the artwork is comprised of thousands of elements instead of a few polygons.

DXF usually does not work since the polygons do not come in filled.

If you can export in PADs PCB format (like Microwave Office does) then Altium will import that in and you layout will be in solid polygons, which is much easier to work with.

I don't have an option to export it in PADs PCB format from ADS.

Hi madengr,

There is no easier way to do this I guess. As you suggested, I exported the momentum layout first in gerber, import that into a third party software to convert it in PADs PCB format. Finally that format is imported in @ltium. However, not all components/txlines were correct. I need to redraw some of them in altium.

Anyway, it works finally. Thanks.


Altium does not let us to import ADS gerber as a PCBlibrary part....

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