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Duplicate - Mirror function in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to use the mirror function to duplicate the elements. As it writes in the Help: 'Mirror an object about a plane. The plane is selected by defining a point on the plane and a normal point. ' But I'm not quite clear with the Base Position and Normal Position. How they work?

I tried different value of the Normal Position and the result changed. Can you explain why they look like this and what's the understanding of the base position and normal position? Thank you.

HI friend

i dont know what you are trying to do.but this is how it is.base position is the reference point for the mirroring and normal position is the displacement or rather deltax,deltay and deltaz from the mirrored point.what are you doing exactly?

Hope it helps
Best Regards
Sajid Mohammed.

Well, I just want to explore the mirror function. it turns out to be that it may not be so useful to use the mirror function along any line. Just to mirror the things along x or y or z axis is enough.

Thank you for your reply

The base position and the normal vector describe the mirror plane.
For the definition of a plane look here Plane (geometry) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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