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How to use duplicate mirror

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
can anybody tell me how to draw this square shape using Duplicate mirror option?

You want to draw it using CST or HFSS?
As you have not mentioned the intended software to be used

sorry in HFSS

It is bit confusing in HFSS as I do not know why they have hidden the commands under Edit, Draw and Modeler ribbons.
Anyways you can mirror it
The only difference in two is that first command will duplicate the structure while second one will just mirror it.

My problem is i am not getting how to give the position values.
After using that duplicate option 1st we should select base position right? i have chosen that as the FSR end point position later we have to give the values for dx dy and dz right for that what values i should give?
i am giving the position values for that but it is not exactly 90degree, it is slightly changed i am not getting where i have done wrong

Have a look at the figure I think it should solve your issue.
Be sure that your base position and normal position have same non zero components as you are using mirror command which will keep sure the normality issue

Thank you:) can you tell me why the position changed from 70 to 1 on what basis you have made that?

for square shape i am asking can you set the plates adjacently and send an image it will be helpful for me. plz

Command DuplicateMirror
"Coordinate System" Global
"Base Position" "-46.5 ,49 ,0" mm "-46.5mm , 49mm , 0mm"
"Normal Position" "46.5 ,49 ,0" mm "46.5mm , 49mm , 0mm"

i am getting the image like this

I am not sure if I got your problem correctly have a look.
I use the following command instead of mirror
Edit>Duplicate>Around Axis
As in this case you do not need mirror command

Can you tell me what values you have given for dx dy and dz for this around axis option.Here also we should give values na?

If i simply go for that option it is coming like this.

hai nomigoraya thank you so much i got that one...Thank you for your precious time

hai nomigoraya
Can u tell me how to check the beamwidth in HFSS

Please explain a bit about your problem
What is beam and what you want to measure

can please solve the boundary condition problem occured between perfE1&2 and rad1.

@sandeep if you explain your problem i will try to help you. my HFSS software is not working properly so

the following link shows the cpw fed patch antenna


these are the errors i am facing


please correct my erros

Increase the length and width of the radiation box

Hai sandeep check the attached image your problem is solved

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