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feed dipole antenna on surface

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,
I met a question when I want to test a dipole antenna. I print the dipole on glass, but I don't want to drill a hole through it. So I want to feed the dipole on top of the glass. Can anyone give some advice on it? For example, what structure I should use to feed it. How to connect the SMA to the feeding structure. Thanks a lot!

you can simply use a coaxial cable with the inner conductor connected to one element and the outer conductor connected to the other element. But in this case you radiation pattern might be a little distorted due to the unbalanced currents on the outer shield of the coaxial cable.

Thanks. But which structure should I use to connect the coaxial connector with the dipole. There is some distance between the dipole and the connector. Good luck!

I do not think there is a readily available structure. For me I would just connect the coaxial directly to the dipole or use SMA with a via to have better performance, but you said you don't want to make a hole in your substrate

You say that just connect the coaxial directly to the dipole or use sma with a via,but the dipole have two element need to connect with the coaxial or sma only have 1 pin,so how should i connect them?thanks...

Your coax connector has signal and ground.

I mean the coaxial cable that using to connect between the antenna and the measurement equipment.

File:Dipolefeedrad.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

File:Dipolesleevebalun.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Dipole antenna - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

May I know whether these kind of balun as shown in link above is only suitable for single band antenna or dual band antenna also can be used?

Some baluns are limited to a single band as its size is depending on actual wavelength. That is the case for sleeve baluns, but it is very possible to place one sleeve inside another sleeve and then cover two bands.

So it is mean that we connector our dipole element 1 with signal pin and element 2 with ground pin?can you upload a picture for me?

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