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Error while feeding patch antenna in hfss

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
while feeding patch antenna (e shape) in hfss i get an error like "Port refinement, process hf3d error: Too few conductors were found on port 1. There should be one conductor for each terminal, with one additional reference conductor. Unintentional contact between conductors may cause this error"

how do i solve this?

Welcome sidhtotala,

What is your excitation -- a wave port of a lumped port? Is your simulation driven modal or driven terminal?

Excitation is a lumped port..and simulation is driven terminal.

Ensure that more than one conductor objects touch the lumped port -- when you assign the terminal, it should list all available contacting conductors.

While assigning terminals, all the conductors popped up very well (Patch and ground), still showing this as error. Does it relate to some kind of integration line in HFSS13 cozim usin HFSS13

please provide the hfss file ......

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