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50 Ohm waveguide port in CST MWS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, all
This is my first post in this forum. I read some posts and replys in this forum before, and it was really helpfull.

I am trying to design an UWB printed monopole antenna. I am using CST MWS 2010 for simulation. I defined a waveguide port to be the input port of the antenna but I want to make sure that its impedance is 50 Ohm. is there anything to do with the waveguide port to make its impedance 50 Ohm?

one more thing, in the transient solver, there is a choice to normalize the impedance to a specific value. is this the port impedance?

thank you for your help!

It's been a while after you asked the question, but for reference of others, in the transient solver you can choose "calculate modes only". After that, CST only solves for the waveguide port. Then, under 2D/3D Results, you can see the calculated modes for your port. Note that, to be able to talk about line impedances, your waveguiding structure needs to support TEM or Quaisi-TEM modes (microstrips, coaxial lines, striplines, slotlines etc.)
I don't quite understand why you need to use waveguide port though
I hope this is helpful

well, thank you for reply.
for your question, I am designing a printed monopole antenna which has a microstrip line input. actually, i am using waveguide port because it is recommended by CST manual for microstrip lines. the problem is I want to make sure that the port impedance is 50 ohm.

thank you again

Then as I said. Calculate modes only. Then under 2D/3D Results, you can see the modes supported by your port. There, couple parameters, along with the line impedance are reported. If the value is not exactly what you expect, you can play with the thickness or metal widths to tune your impedance. Once set, you uncheck the calculate modes only box, and solve for the whole geometry.

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