Help me optimize the feed position of an square patch antenna in IE3D
i want to optimize the feed position of a circularly polarized near square patch antenna.But, the feed should move along the diagonal(simultaneous x- and y- movement). i don;t know how to define optimization variable so that the feed probe
moves along the diagonal of the patch.
if anybody has the answer kindly post here.
with regards
Hi, abhi:
There are multiple ways:
1. If you are doing it on IE3DLibrary or the parameterized GUI, the x and y of the probe can be equations of tuning variables. It is simple.
2. If you are doing it on MGRID, you may do it in 2 ways too:
(a) You can select all the vertices of the probe and define it as a variable, please define the angle as 45 degree (or 135, -45 or -135 degrees, depending upon your reality). This way is easy. However, the meshing may not be as good.
(b) You can select all the vertices of the probe and other related vertices, define it as an optim variable with direction = 0. Then, you select the vertices of the probe and other related vertices, then, you select OPTIM->ADD SELECTED OBJECTS TO VARIABLES and define its angle as 90 degree. Please define the Tuning Rate = 1. Then, you are baiscally associating the 2 groups of vertices with one variable. When the variable is changing, they change simultaneously and the final effect is that they are changing in 45 degree direction.
hello jian,
what are these related vertices to the probe vertices which should be selected while optimizing the feeding location?
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