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which one to choose series LC or parallel LC resonant circuit?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

My task is to transmit electricity via resonant inductive coupling using only one transmitter coil and one receiver coil..
I do not know which one is better to use for my transmitter circuit and receiver circuit, series LC or parallel LC as to make my coil resonate at specific frequency..

i found a book tells that parallel resonance is used for transmitter and receiver circuits.
But no explanation about that..

an answer with a brief explanation would be appreciated..
Thx ..

It depends on your design. When nance, the series LC will act as a Lowest impedance but the parallel LC will act as a highest impedance.

I believe you want the receiver to have minimum resistance, maximum resonance. This would be a tank loop. Parallel LC. This formation is commonly used in radio detection stages, to obtain maximum sensitivity.

I'm not sure about the sending module, whether it should produce a magnetic field like a transformer, or electromagnetic radiation like an antenna. One may use a series LC arrangement, the other a parallel LC.

Thank You so much, ur respond was helpful to me..
Yes exactly I want the receiver to have minimum resistance, maximum resonance.
btw, the system is producing a magmatic field.

parallel resonate LC offers a very high impedance, opposite to series Antares LC.
does this mean that, having a high impudence, results in minimum resistance, maximum resonance?

did u mean, magmatic field = series LC and electromagnetic radiation = Parallel LC ?

Come to think of it, the tank loop will receive power and send it somewhere. Either you will insert something in series with the cap and coil (making it into more of a series LC formation), or you will insert something in parallel with them.

If you make it a series LC formation, then the load will create a damping effect on resonating action. Your transmitter will need to send out a flux field which is powerful enough to overcome the damping, and induce oscillations in the receiver.

If the receiver is a parallel LC arrangement, then it may be a case of the capacitor and inductor trading most all of the energy. As a result little power may end up going to whatever load you install.

So you will probably need to experiment with various arrangements.

Parallel LC has the conventional fluctuating magnetic field. I'm pretty certain it is the method used to charge hearing aid batteries an inch or two away.

As for series LC, to my understanding it has something in common with an antenna because it terminates in a length of wire at one or both ends, and works best when tuned to the frequency of oscillation. It sends out EM photons which can travel a long distance. It may or may not be the method by which Tesla reputedly lit up bulbs several miles from an electric power transmitter.

It's a matter of which concept works best to carry out your project.

As pico and others say, it depends on your design (and available components (copper wire, capacitors, etc) ). Finally it is just a matter of impedance match of two coupled resonating circuits

Do you have to design the power amplifier also? If so, when it will be a switching amplifier, the load behavior for harmonics is very important to get good conversion efficiency. In that case parallel or series LC resonance as seen from the output of the power semiconductors can make the difference between disaster or success.

A half bridge voltage fed output stage you can't connect directly to a parallel LC circuit, as you need some inductive behavior for harmonics to get good efficiency. A current fed output stage (as in a royer oscillator) requires capacitive behavior for harmonics.

You can have series resonance at the transmitter and parallel resonance (with rectifier on a tap for matching) at the receiver or vice versa.

Generally spoken, if the resonating current in the LC circuit is higher than the current you can feed into it, or can extract from it, parallel resonance is the only option. You can use capacitive or inductive coupling to get impedance match.

If you have may turns of thin wire there may be a change that you can use an LC series circuit. So just make your selection on what is convenient for you.

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