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is it possible to Import initial mesh operation from another file in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
meshing is a time consuming action and reducing this precious time can cause a tremendous improvement in our field.
I was wondering if it is possible to import initial mesh from another similar design and apply it to a new created design. is it possible?

I am working on a SIW cavity backed antenna which is geometrically symmetric, but the radiation patterns and field distributions results in HFSS is not proving this. anybody has any idea why this is happenning? is it even related to mesh operation or I have o find the cause somewhere else?

it is possible to import mesh from another exactly the same file from solution setup, advanced bar, initial mesh options. but can this be applied to a part of design which is similar to the design from which we want to import mesh from? anybody has any idea?

Hi Mac.feri

you can actual import mesh from another file.when you set up your solution setup

Solution setup ------>advanced----->initial mesh operation----(select import mesh)-----choose the setuplink and do import your mesh.

Hope that helps

Rotman lens

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