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reducing coupling patch array

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I need your advice and your orientations
I work on reducing the coupling between patch antennas (in array ) ,please

1- there are several methods for doing this , can you tell me these methods?
2-how to bring something new in this case, what I can do as new? (its important this question)
3-I work with ads momentum, is that it is sufficient? is that necessary to work with another simulator such as HFSS? and why ? whati is difference beteween momentum and hfss in THIS application?

please ,
I want detailed answers on all questions , it is a need, you need to know this

thank u very much

Abu Maria

(if email is necessary , i give my email)

encore merci

Excuse me, maybe it's a bit heavy as Questions


Coupling is mainly due to different conductors sharing same plane for return. one way of decreasing the coupling between elements is to use non conventional feeding methods such as aperture coupled methods.

i am not very familiar with ADS and its capabilities , HFSS will surely do, as you can conceptualize the design well for such problems



I've had success reducing the coupling between patches in a planar array by either (or both of): a) increasing the spacing between the patches, or placing adjacent patches at (near) orthogonal polarisations. (The latter is of course useful only if you're seeking polarization flexibility :)

These approaches work irrespective of feed mechanism, and I've found the coupling between (same polarization) patches to fall to < -20 dB for spacing of ~0.5 wavelengths. 'Choke rings' are often used in antennas to reduce excitation due to surface wave phenomena and there might be something (new?) to try there, although such structures tend to be bulky and probably only marginally more useful than increasing the spacing in your application..?

Good luck! :)

---------- Post added at 08:45 ---------- Previous post was at 08:32 ----------

Oh, I forgot to add: I'd expect Momentum to be entirely adequate for your application. While my weapon of choice would be CST, I'd imagine any of the mainstream EM simulators would give the same (and therefore trustworthy!) result for your patch array.

thank u all

PBG , EBG , hight surface impedance , are adequat or no?

and if yes

momentum will be adequat to use these structures (PBG ,...etc.)?
i dont understand "...or placing adjacent patches at (near) orthogonal polarisations. (The latter is of course useful only if you're seeking polarization flexibility :)"


thank u


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