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What to do when an hfss simulation does not converge?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear friends
What to do when an hfss simulation does not converge?
Is that related to solution setup,I mean number of passes or anything else?
I simulated the attached cavity but it does not converge!
What should I do?


If your solution setup doesnt converge then it means that you might have to go up with the number of passes.considering that you have defined your materials properly and all the boundaries have been assigned optimally .

the cavity you have attached doesn't have a excitation,what were you trying to do, there are no boundaries , no excitation(s) etc.

after you define your structure properly run a validation check and it will show you the missing pieces in your design ,then when you run the simulation if the solution setup doesnt converge go up with the number of passes.

Hope that helps


I know what you say.You are right.
But I don't know how to assign excitation and boundary for the cavity.
Could you please tell me that where should I put the excitation?

Thanks in advance

i am not sure what kind of cavity is this.so i cant tell you for sure what you are trying to simulate unless you have a paper that you are designing this from.


上一篇:e plane and h plane hfss

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