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how to change incident power in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have a problem. i want change default power (1w) in hfss.
i know that is in Edit source/scaling factor in hfss. but i don't know how to change value scaling factor. i mean i want
power 20kw, so what value I write this tab?
thanks for your help

scale factor is Power_wanted/1W
So for 20kW enter 20000

hi. thanks for your attention.
in hfss , voltage determined in Edit source. then we should write voltage no power. in hfss Edit source v=1 then i think the power couldn't 1watt. i think hfss help had mistake.

ScaleFactor is given in terms of power. To every port, a voltage source in series with an resistor is connected. They form a "Power Source" that can deliver a certain maximum power to your structure. That is the ScaleFactor you enter in the "Edit sources" dialog. The voltage source has a peak value of V_peak = sqrt(2) * 2* sqrt(P * Z0).
You can check this by calculating the antenna parameters (in your design-tree right click 'Radiation' -> Insert Far Field Setup -> Infinite Sphere -> OK; Right click on 'Infinite Sphere1' -> Compute Antenna Parameters -> OK; The value 'Incident Power' should be the same as the sum of your ScaleFactors.

in edit source we have two option. 1- incident voltage 2- total voltage.
where i enter my voltage?

You are running a Driven Terminal Solution so all you can scale is total and incident voltages on a port. Change the type to Driven Modal (HFSS -> _Solution Type -> Set Driven Modal) and all excitations are in terms of power.

Have Fun

thanks for your atention.
i would be mind if you tell me what is the diferent of total voltage and incident voltage in HFSS.? and can i use voltage insted power? have different answer?

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