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Specifying output variables in HFSS 14.0

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I have a complicated resonant structure, for which I am sweeping two geometrical parameters. Besides the eigenfrequency of the system at each parameter setting, I would also like to output a derived quantity (integral of the electric field over a line), as a function of the two parameters. I can not afford saving the fieldmaps for each parameter setting, so I can not post-process the results after the optimetrics sweep has completed. I would like this quantity to be calculated at each parameter setting (before HFSS steps to the next parameter setting and erases the fieldmap), and be stored for plotting at the end. How can this be done?

I remember I have done it before (with earlier versions of HFSS), and the key was the usage of output variables. I slightly remember that I could construct my expression in the Calculator, and then store it as an output variable, and then this output variable was available for plotting in the Report generator. Now I simply do not find the way to create an output variable from a calculator expression.

My solution type is Eigenmode
In the menu HFSS>Results>Output variables:
Context/Report type: only option is 'Eigenmode Parameters'
Quantities/Category: Variables, Output Variables, Eigen Modes, Design, Expression Cache, Expression Converge
(Here I remember having a 'Calculator expressions' option before, now there is none)
In the Calculator there is also no possibility to export something as Output variable.

Could somebody please help me out?
Thank you

- - - Updated - - -

Just for the curiosity, I launched HFSS 12.0. There, under HFSS>Results>Output Variables, in the Context>Report type dropdown menu I could select 'Eigenmode parameters' and 'Fields', whereas in HFSS 14.0 there is only the former, but not 'Fields' (I opened the very same file, which I created in HFSS 12.0).

Also, when right-clicking Results in the project tree in HFSS12.0, there was
- Create Eigenmode Parameters Report
- Create Fields Report
In HFSS14.0 the second option doesn't exist anymore. So it seems

It seems that they removed the fields reporter from HFSS14.0? Any suggestion?

This is a screenshot. In HFSS12.1 there was a 'Create Fields Report' in the menu, where the mouse pointer is now. It is missing from HFSS14.0. The help sais it should be there. Does anybody have an idea why? Can it be a license issue?

I was wrong, the correct way to do what I want is to go to the Calculations tab in the Setup Sweep Analysis window, and click Setup Calculations. However, in the dialog that appears, I face again the same problem: in Context/Report type I can only select Eigenmode Parameters in HFSS14.0, but in HFSS12.1 I could select Eigenmode Parameters and Fields, and this latter was that I need.

If I set up a project in HFSS12.1, specifying a Fields calculation for a parametric sweep, and then I open it in HFSS14.0 and run the parametric analysis, it seems to calculate the required quantities, and and the Post Analysis Display displays the results. So HFSS14.0 seems to be able to do it - it is simply not possible to create a Calculation of Fields in HFSS14.0

I think the fact Ansys have not updated the HFSS manual since version 11, and we are now at version 14, is really bad. Even some of the examples in the manual don't work, as the options mentioned no longer exist. See for example my post


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