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PEC PMC Boundary Condition In Split Ring Resonator

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
In simulation of split ring resonator using HFSS is it mandatory to use Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) condition at top and bottom of Air Box where as Perfect Magnetic Conductor (PMC) boundary condition at sidewalls of Air boundary of air box.If it is so then why we require to do it and how to do it in HFSS? I had attached one of the structure for your reference.
Kindly help me.


The Perf E boundaries for the SRR are chosen such that Electric field is across the gap(split) of the SRR. And the perf H boundaries such that the magnetic field goes through the SRR. Go through some of the papers by D.R.Smith on SRRs, you will have a better understanding.


Thanks for your response.After going through some of the literature i got some understanding of it.But now i am facing problem in parameter extraction from scattering parameter.I tried it both in matlab as well as in HFSS but could not able to figure out refractive index n.My magnitude response,phase response,impedance plot is exactly same as the paper but problem is in refractive index n. I had attached both hfss file,matlab file and the paper which i am following.In HFSS also i had embedded expression of impedance,phase and magnitude response.Any suggestion will be of great help.I think my choice of wave vector may be wrong.Since K=(2*pi*f)/c and f is varying from 0 to 20 GHz so it is expected that K should also vary.Is it require to choose all the values of K or i require to choose the value of K at around 9.23 GHz .

define the wave number in HFSS as shown: k = 2*pi*Freq/c0 In HFSS, the variable 'Freq' will allow for functions of frequency and the constant 'c0' where 0 = zero, is the constant for the speed of light in vacuum.

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Thanks tallface65 for your precious reply i shall try that way and after that i am going to come back.

a child is precious... my wife is precious to me... my responses are just informative ;)

Have Fun

I tried the way you had told me and got a result where real part of refractive index is showing unwanted spikes and imaginary part of refractive index is exactly opposite of the paper.I had gone through some of the literature where it has been told that for passive material Re(z)>0 and Im(n)>0(reference Determination of Negative Permittivity and Permeability of Metamaterials from Reflection and Transmission Coefficients then i just require to chose -Im(n) as my result but i am clue less about these spikes in real(n).If you suggest me some thing then it can be of great help for me.

I successfully retrieved all the parameters.

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