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How to assign PML Boundary for horn antenna in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello ......
Can any one tell me how to assign PML Boundary for horn Antenna in HFSS.

I have never done it, but I know the free HFSS antenna Design Kit (ADK) has the ability to design horn antennas, and I know one can select the PML as the boundary. So you might look at generating an antenna in the ADK, then looking at the model it generates in HFSS. I also know its possible to add the PML manually or let HFSS do it for you automatically. But I can't help you any more, since I've never used it myself.


Not to state the obvious, but you could also go to the HFSS help and search 'PML'. There is a walkthrough...

Have Fun

Thanks for ur reply ,But actually my problem is how PML boundary useful for SAR(Specific Absorption rate) calculation in HFSS in which horn Antenna is used as a radiating element.

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Thanks for ur reply:):)

Not to state the obvious (shamelesly copying tallface65's expression), but if you have a specific issue about SAR and PML, you should have stated that at the beggining. Few, if any people reading this forum have the ability to read your mind.

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