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[URGENT] Half Wave Printed Dipole Antenna (433MHz)

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am currently designing 433MHz half wave Printed Dipole Antenna with input impedance of 50 ohm using Ansoft HFSS 13. The problem is, i can't seem to figure out how to efficiently place the ground plane in the design. This is because, either the simulated radiation pattern is severely distorted or my Z11 graph and smith chart is does not yield a resonant input impedance at 433 MHz. There are some question that I'm wondering about:

1) what is the exact purpose of having a ground plane at all(since a printed dipole antenna can function with out it)?
2) how to efficiently place the ground plane in the design (shape and size)?
3) how far should the dipole be from the ground plane in order to produce the toroidal radiation pattern without compromising the desired input impedance?

Any help would be greatly appreciated, as I'm looking to complete the design simulation in 48 hours.

Also is there any specific condition for the radiation boundary?

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