Supplying current on the Printed Dipole Antenna on double sided PCB
Hi attached here is my design of printed dipole antenna using Ansoft HFSS.
It should be fabricated using fr-4 pcb.
As u can see the 2 'arms' of the dipole is designed on both side of the pcb. one dipole arm being attached to a small rectangular patch (ground).
my question is, can i connect my outer layer of the conductor(sma connector with a coaxial) to the ground patch (the small rectangular patch) and the inner conductor to the upper layer strip of the dipole? will it radiate as a dipole like it did in my hfss?
It should be fabricated using fr-4 pcb.
As u can see the 2 'arms' of the dipole is designed on both side of the pcb. one dipole arm being attached to a small rectangular patch (ground).
my question is, can i connect my outer layer of the conductor(sma connector with a coaxial) to the ground patch (the small rectangular patch) and the inner conductor to the upper layer strip of the dipole? will it radiate as a dipole like it did in my hfss?