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Port refinement, process hf3d error: Too few conductors were found on port WavePort1.

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I am new to HFSS and getting following error message-

[warning] The background does not fully touch the following boundaries: 'PerfE1' . This may produce an incorrect result. (10:39 AM Feb 18, 2012)
[error] Port refinement, process hf3d error: Too few conductors were found on port WavePort1. There should be one conductor for each terminal, with one additional reference conductor. Unintentional contact between conductors may cause this error...

I could not able to excite wave port properly but i do not know how to fix it.I am using HFSS11.
Please help me.
Thanks in advance

The error happens due to the fact that you need two conductors to set up an waveport,if the line of integration doesn't touch two conductors then you will see this error. Your conductors SRR_1 and SRR_2 dont touch the waveport,i am not surprised of the error.

Hope that helps

El chiquito

Now after correction as instructed by you i am getting following message-
The background does not fully touch the following boundaries: 'PerfE1' . This may produce an incorrect result. (7:32 AM Feb 19, 2012)
I can not able to solve it.
Kindly help me.

Two things. ports setting is a bit complicated in Driven terminal, change your solution type to Driven Modal and then draw rectangles each for two ports that you want to set and then draw the integration line and set up the wave ports respectively. i have the updated file of yours but its in HFSS13 i am not sure if you will be able to open it.but anyways i am going to upload it here just in case.

Can you help me by providing user manual of HFSS 13 in absence of user manual i have not able to operate it properly previously.

Excuse me? what does the file have to do anything with the HFSS 13 manual?


I had tried to simulate structures using HFSS 13 but wave port construction process in HFSS 13 and HFSS 11 is slightly different(that is what is my observation if i am not wrong) so in absence of any document i could not able to do it in HFSS 13 so i switched to HFSS 11.As your structure is constructed in HFSS 13 so i had requested for any document which can help me to construct structure in HFSS 13 because HFSS 11 does not allow me to open your file properly.I shall try to construct your structure in HFSS 11 and then i shall get back to you.


as far as i know is not a whole lot of difference between 13 and 11 in terms of drawing. except when your solution type is driven terminal, HFSS13 asks for reference conductor,which is otherwise in 11 where you have to draw an integration line.

I am not sure of any manual for 13 because never needed one. you can refer to the help menu.

hope someone will post the manual you are looking for .

Until then try it yourself have fun


I am going to try your structure in HFSS 11 and then i am going to get back.

How to choose integration line in the present case?

integration line goes from the conductor to ground plane.

Hope that helps


What is the significance of integration line in context of HFSS ?Does choice of integration line effects modes in side the structure?If it is so then how i can analyze that out of many possibilities of integration line which is proper for my geometry?


i am not sure of multimodal integrational lines. but i am sure the integration line effects modes in side the structure

hope fully there will be someone else who can give u a better insight into it


As far as i had seen one can simulate structures without integration line,can you at least tell me when to put a integration line and when not so?


The integration line is the line where the E-field is integrated for obtaining Voltage. It decides the direction of E-field. For two-conductor system, the integration line should be from one conductor to another for odd-mode excitation and from conductor to ground for even-mode excitation.

In the boundary condition of SRR using HFSS is it required to define two walls as perfect electric and another two walls as perfect magnetic wall? I have attached two HFSS files with two different types of boundary condition if you kindly tell me which one is proper choice for my case then it will greatly help me.


Brother i have no clue what you are trying to do. do you have a paper? where you took the design from


I have looked into the split ring resonator, this is how the boundaries are adopted,Z-direction PERfH, waveports along X direction and along y direction you have your PERfE.

Hope that helps


Thanks for your reply.It helped me greatly.

you are welcome.

i wish you all the best for your future endeavours


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