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Best software for antenna design?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I have done antenna design in CST software but now i want to shift to FDTD .Does any one have an idea which one is better to work with .Third option is also for ADS software.

If you have any link to download the software that will be highly appreciated!

CST is FDTD as essentially few users use the frequency domain FEM tool, as far as I am aware. This is a very subjective question open to debate, so I will merely offer a vote for HFSS as it has worked very well for me for many years.

Have Fun

hi ali
every software has benefit and some weakness and your project define it for you

Can you plz give me link to download HFSS and any manual for its use..Can you explain what do you mean by Cst is FDTD

Thanks in advance.

Like most other EM simulators, HFSS is a payed product. You can contact sales for an evaluation version:

FDTD stands for "Finite Difference in Time Domain" and describes one popular solver method, not a software product.

Today, many 3D EM solver frameworks offer different methods to choose from.
tallface65 means that the Finite Integration Technique (FIT) used in CST is very similar to the FDTD method.

EM solver products using FDTD are xFDTD from Remcom, Empire XCcell from IMST, SEMCAD from speag, EMPro from Agilent and many others.

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