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Problem to use Rsoft software on multi-core PC - Request for HELP

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I had got Rsoft perpetual license and had actively worked with Rsoft CAD (BeamPROP, FullWAVE, BandSOLVE). It is perfectly working on a single processor PC. I have upgraded this computer to 4-processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400. Unfortunately it intended for single processor PS and the last software versions 8 and 7 does not work on multi-core PC. Nevertheless, the old version 6 is perfectly working on this computer.
Does it possible to make the last software version 8 (single processor) to start work on multi-core PC?
Help me, as I currently I have now fund to purchase multi-core version of Rsoft CAD for academic research.

Andrei Tsarev, Dr.Sci.
Russian Rsoft?s Customer

This a copy from: Software Problems, Hints and Reviews

Problem has been resolved by kindly assistance of John Horgan, Director of European Operations, RSoft Design UK Ltd. He proposed to use RSoft Installation Guide, page 6 of further CAD then I have (2007). I have followed this instruction (1.E.4) and software start work. My problem comes from the use of the old CAD (version 2007) which never contains this important information.
1.E.4. License Manager & Network Key Settings (2008)
The RSoft License Manager required for Network/Floating licensing schemes, or Nodelocked licenses with more than 2 CPUs. To start this service, log on as administrator and issue the command: rslmd –install
Then, on both the server and any clients manually set the environment variable RSLM_SERVER to the network name or IP address of the network key server. For Nodelocked licenses with more than 2 CPU’s, this variable must be set to localhost. This variable must be set for all user accounts that will access the software. Also, any firewall(s) must be configured to allow the RSoft License Manager (rslmd.exe) to communicate via TCP between machines on port 8988.


Can you give more details?
did you mean to do the fellowing two steps, and your problem was solved?
1. run "rslmd -install" in command line to install license server
2. set the environment variable "RSLM_SERVER" to "localhost"

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