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High aspect ratio simulation problems in HFSS 13

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am trying to simulate a 3D model with has a high aspect ratio (difference between the smallest and the largest dimension in the design). I am using HFSS 13.The largest object is 130X130X3 mm^3 and the smallest one is a cylinder which has a thickness of 10 nm and height and radius of 10 um. When I run the model I got this error "surface mesh is deformed too much on the bodies". This model works if I change the thickness to 2 um. Do you have any suggestion for me?


Go to HFSS -> Mesh Operations -> Initial Mesh Settings select the second tab and choose the radio button for the Ansoft Classic Mesh. This should overcome this error as this error is due to the TAU meshing technique which can struggle with large dynamic range of sizes.

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