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HFSS- simulation problem of Eight-Band WWAN/LTE antenna

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am simulating a paper (microstrip antenna capable of providing 8-bands in the range 0.5-3GHz). The return loss for the lower bands is correct and accurate.However, whatever I do the return loss for the upper part isn't right and the 2.7G band is missing. In brief, I only have a problem in the high frequency section of the bandwidth(resonant modes seem not to be generated for this region).

what may lead to this ?
Are there any suggestions?

Thanks in advance.

It sounds as if there is a problem somewhere.

If you find my answer a bit unhelpful, sit and think about what information you have provided for someone to go on. Most of us are not blessed with crystal balls.


Hi Dave,
I see sarcasm here...however, I have a reason for being vague and it's because I don't know what kind of information would help and I won't write a newspaper length of information.

It's an INVITATION to anyone who has experience in multiband antennas as I think its my problem, OR anyone whose generous enough to go on with me.
I MAY send him the required information.

thank you

If you can control your mesh density and basis function order in HFSS FEM, I would suggest first increase those (BTW What is the control parameter of those in the new versions of HFSS? Is it Ponts per Wavelength? PPW) first and see if the low frequency part does not change and high frequency part varies, if so, then it means your solution does not converge yet. If the curve does not change at all for high frequency. Then something else is going on.

NO,the high frequency part DOESN'T vary.It's consistent and doesn't produce the resonance.
parameters are skin depth refinement and element length based refinement in mm.

I've tried to make subtle changes on the mesh on few elements but didn't see any improvement. so stopped.

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