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Monopulse tracking system in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

I'm designing a monopulse tracking system. It consist of Rat-race monopulse comparator and a system of 4 dipole antennas. The comparator is working fine, designed in HFSS and measured. Now, the problem is that I want to receive a circular polarized wave. This means that antenna A has to be connected with cable length L, antenna B L + lambda/4, antenna C with L + lambda/2, and antenna D with L + lambda*3/4.
I do not know if this will work with rat-race comparator, so I designed a HFSS model (see picture).
The idea is to illuminate antenna with incident field port, and from imag and real part of S parameters at ports Azimuth, Elevation, and Sum calculate the resulting Azimuth, Elevation and Sum.
My question is: if I place the IncPwave port at the top of the model, will I get the results at the ports on comparator at the bottom of the model. At first glance HFSS does not give me S parameters for IncPwave. I have never used IncPwave and I might be mistaken. What should I do?

Thank you

Let me rephrase my question...

If I use Incident Wave Port, how can I see what is induced at Wave Port exit?

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