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monopulse tracking without magic T

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone
I want to know that is it possible to use signal processing techniques to get sum and difference pattetns in monopulse tracker instead of using magic T if the system is wideband?for example it works between 6-18 GHz...? If yes please explain how? I think that magic T is not applicable in such a wideband system...


Monopulse tracking is done not by using the "magic tee" but by using multiple (e.g.four) primary radiators and receive channels. By combining those radiators one can generate the sum and difference signals.

Wideband use is a problem as the coupling devices are not wideband.

The best way is to use as above four primary radiators and wideband receivers and generate the sum and diff output at the receiver (detector) outputs.

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