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hfss eigenmode

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I just installed HFSS 11 on a system runing RHEL 4. I have not been able to run an eigenmode problem, no matter how simple. After the mesh is created I always get an error message: "Adaptive solution setup, process hf3d error. Exit code 1200 from child process 'eigen'." I also had a problem with sluggish mouse response in the project manager when I cliked on Analysis or Setup1. With the right button it took many seconds before a response occurred. I applied hte patch to upgrade to version 11.02. That fixed the mouse problem but not the eigenmode problem. Driven problems seem to work fine. - Jim

i experienced the same phenomenon. There are servaral reasons, the main reson is meshes. if your memory size on computer is too small, you have to reduce the number of meshes. Your memory size on computer is too small to simulate.

Maybe the problem is that HFSS is confused about my memory size. I have 8 GB available. The cavity sample problem from Ansoft uses less than 1 GB, maybe only a few hundred MB. I can run driven problems with memory requirements of 2 to 3 GB with no problem. However, I will explore the issue of HFSS not knowing the memory is there for eigenmode problems. Thaks for you input.


will you pls send me a copy of install files? I can't find it in the web

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