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SMA connector for Simulation

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am currently working on a Balun feeding for a antenna. In the theses I read they stated that they feed the Balun with a SMA connector. If I want to simulate my Balun do I also need to draw a SMA connector in CST or just feed it with a waveguid port? And do I use the Transient Solver or an other type of solver to get the right result.


I think it depends on you, i am personally prefer to use SMA connectors so i solve for myself all headaches with waveguide port dimensions.
Anyway if it really high-frequency design (above 3GHz) probably the use of SMA is more correct.

As far as i 'm concerned, i suggest you to not model your SMA connector. A wave port or lumped port at 50 ohms is sufficient. For two reasons , thirst because it will take much more memory and second if your balun is made of coaxial cable at 50 ohms, the sma connector is perfectly match to this cable. The aim is in fact that you want to match the antenna to the 50 ohms cable thanks to the balun , isn't it ?

My view is to make the simulation as close to the hardware as is practical. Tool limits, memory size, parameter values etc always get in the way. You have to decide how good to make the simulation.

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