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CST: choose smaller area in temporal monitor (.t3D) using VBA-code or MatLab

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I have rather big area of calculation and a I have temporal monitor. I need export many files (with monitor time step) that contains all coordinates and all field components.

Template Based Postprocessing doesn't help because it exports only 1 file, even if I set time sweep. But it can evaluate volume you need.

I have VBA-code, that exports many samples from temporal monitor. If the sample is big - it is impossible to work (beside I don't need hole volume of calculation). I want to extract smaller volume from temporal monitor and after that export it in a file. Is it possible?

Also I'd like to ask if it's possible to have an access to the field monitor in matlab, choose time position in .t3D (monitor file) and area that I want to export?


Thanks in advance.

So, don't tell that it is not possible. Support doesn't give any advice connected with VBA (or matlab) code. On their forum noone answers. So, it seems to me that it should be obvious to make a possibility to evaluate field in a smaller area. It is done in Templ.Bas.Postproc. but it's impossible to evaluate there all (or an array) of Time Samples.
Isn't that idiotic if it's impossible to do such things.

You have to write your own VBA script. There is details on how to do that in the program files. (C:/Program Files / CST / Online Help -> Vba).

It gives you all you need to control CST. Get it working for timesample->1 then turn it into a for loop.

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