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MoM capacitor simulaton tool

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Can anybody suggest a software to model MoM finger capacitors?

I was trying to use ADS Momentum, but somebody said it was a 2.5D simulation software which I guess will ignore the horizontal EM field between metal traces and vias. However, unlike MIM capacitors, MoM capacitor utilize this horizontal field heavily. So I doubt ADS's capability on this.



Thank you, bututa77. Have you ever heard of EMX? The google results seem promising.

This "2.5D" refers to the layered modelling, instead of arbitrary 3D shapes. However, the solver solves for the full 3D solution of Maxwell's equations.


Thank you for telling me the meaning of 2.5D, and now I will start using it.

Sorry, never heard about it. It's free?

It's not free. This is their faqs http://www.integrandsoftware.com/faq.php and seems many foundry have adopted it. We don't have this tool either, so I can't compare it with others. Never mind, just out of curiosity.

volker_muehlhaus is of course correct. I've found that ADS gives very decent results for modelling passive components.

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