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HFSS Non-Manifold Edges in Ground Plane

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,
I'm trying to use HFSS to create my 3D model and I was trying to validate it but there is a error message "non manifold edges found in GroundPlane" what does it means?
Here by I attach my design model using HFSS

Thanks in Advance!

triangular DGS.zip

Hi wisnuaditomo,
Problem is with how the triangle is formed. I have removed the subtraction of DGS objects from ground for easier viewing...

Let us zoom the area which is highlighted...

Observe that Box8 and Box9 is not forming the edge of triangle properly...

So While Subtracting Box8 and Box9 from DGS13.... Instead of making perfect triangle, this forms two triangles connected each other at the tip...

Solution: Adjust postion of Box8 and Box9 so that perfect triangle is formed.

Hope this helps...

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