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Non Manifold Edge Error in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

Can someone please explain me how non-manifold error is caused in HFSS and if there is any technique to fix it?

The model which I am using is imported from Solidworks and I guess HFSS doesn't allow modifications to the physical dimensions of the models which are imported from other design softwares.

The file which I imported is in .igs format from Solidworks version 15 and the HFSS version which I am using is version 13.0. I cannot share the model design on this forum due to confidentiality reasons.

Any help is really appreciated.



Importing 3D cad from other tools while possible often fails for many reasons. The non-manifold error suggests that there is a discrepancy in the import. You may be able to repair it by redrawing the offending components. There are "healing" features in HFSS that may help but I have usually had little success with them. It is possible to convert the parts in the import to a parametric model.

My approach is to use the import as a guide but redraw it using the primatives in HFSS and then make the import non-model and go off and solve using the new parametric model. I have found that to be the best in the long run.

I have had better luck communication with SolidWorks through *.sld and *.sat files but it ofter takes a bit of fooling around to decide which *.sat to use.

HFSS is now at rev. 17.1. Life would be easier for you if you were to use it there. Version 13 is probably about 5-6 years old now.

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