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How to plot the radiation pattern in E plane and H plane in matlab

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, i am doing a project to simulate the radiation pattern of antenna in matlab. Can i get any code that can help me to plot the radiation pattern in E-plane and H-plane? thanks for help.

i hope this code can help you

salam. merc be khatere in code ke gozashte boodid. man mikhastam bedoonam az koja mitoonam ye manbae khoob peida konam ke betoonam az oonja code hayi ro ke vase shabih saazie radiation e antenha be dardam mikhoran ro bardaram , merc <3

Also could you please send me these codes which are for finding E-plane and H-Plane


A better question would be if it is advisable to approach your project like this. It would be far more useful to you as a student if you stated what problems you had trying to write the code, post your attempts, and let others advise you of improved approaches to take. Your request might well get you to pass your next assignment at colleage, but when you get into the real world of work, people will soon discover your limitations and you might not keep that job too long.

Just my 2c.

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