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3-D Radiation Pattern plot in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everybody,

I'm simulating a microstrip antenna using hfss.when I plot the 3D polar plot it I get the results but its not a steady image (it flashes) I have to click on it several times to see it and sometimes I don't. Did this happen to any of you?any ideas ?


No, I have never seen that.

Are you using Linux? I noticed a few issues with HFSS on that, but then I have seen a few issues on Windows too. But not the one you describe. I've used HFSS 13 and 14.



NO, I use windows7
hfss 13.0

to create the report I set up the infinite sphere to default values. create far field report --->3D polar plot , specified frequency and "phi" "theta" to all
Gain --->Gain Total --->dB

what may I do or try?


Your method sounds right. I would suggest perhaps tweaking with options for your graphics card, the graphics properties windows uses, or if all else fails, change the graphics card.

Is this runing in a virtual machine? I've known VMs to cause some issues like you describe with some software.


Could you plz explain how to change the graphics card properties, I've never dealt with this.
NO,I'm not using a virtual machine. I'm using my own laptop.

Thank you.

Sometimes there are specific tools to change how your graphics card behaves - NVida cards have a lot.

Otherwise Go to Control Panel and search on "Adjust visual effects", then you get options to play with various things. You might find that helps. (This is where I find it on Windoze 7). Good luck.

Otherwise, ask might try asking Ansys or asking on a Windows forum.


I've attached pictures from windows7 control panel. Just to make sure I got it,are they the ones you indicated ?
Thank you, you've led me to something I can work on.

I'm not sure why you bothered to create a word document to show a screen shot. Start -> all Programs -> Accessories -> Snipping tool

will let you save a a png file any part of the screen you want.

But basially what you have found is what I was suggesting might help. It may be that turning on or off some of these effects will solve your problem.

There may be other software produced by the manufacturer of the graphics card, which will allow you to change settings. That woud normally be installed when you buy a laptop. Nvidia cards in particular using have a ton of options you can change.

Turning off 3D acceleration might work. All these things are worth a try - I have no experience with this sort of problem with HFSS, so are just making educated guesses as to what might help


Hi Dave,

I don't have snipping tool option in accessories.
Besides I didn't find the 3D acceleration option.


I see it in my system - Windows 7 Home Premium.


and I'm fairly sure it is in the Windows 7 Ultimate edition I have on another machine, which I rarely use.

I think whether you can enable/disable 3D really depends on your hardware. But there may be options in Windoze to enable 3D. I don't know, and it's not my favorite OS.

You might also check if you have the latest version of DirectX, OpenGL, Direct3D or whatever else HFSS uses.

Sorry, I don't know what HFSS supports, but it is documented. As to where you find the tools, you will just have to hunt or find someone who knows more about Windoze than me.


Hi everybody

My problem is solved. if you have a graphics card just choose the suitable graphics processor.(in my case Just right clicked on the desktop Graphics properties -> switchable graphics-> high performance.)

hello catalyst101...
hey drkirkby....
can you provide me the hfss 13 setup ....

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