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How do I automate or create a script in CST to postprocess some CST s-parameters?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, may I know how do I automate or create a script in CST to postprocess some CST s-parameters? After simulating a two port structure, I wish to obtain an odd and even mode impedance by virtue of calculating S11-S12 and S11+S12 to obtain the respective impedances. Could someone direct me on this? Thank you.


Unfortunately, I can only relate (and not really help you) since i'm facing a similar problem.
If you are using a parametric sweep, then you can add a watch called : "User defined" which requires programming a special code in VBA macro. I have studied some CST examples and wrote a code by myself.
If its a single calculation, I'd suggest you export the S-parameters and post process them in Matlab or any other technical editor.


Hi kelvchan:

Have you looked through the Results Templates? There are many 0D and 1D operations that can be performed automatically during a parameter sweep on just about any CST result. The Results Templates in the Studio 2006 suites are pretty comprehensive.


Hi, thanks for the tip but my version is still at version 5.0.

Create a Result1D object and load the "^a1(1)1(1).sig" file. (S11)
Do the same for the "^a1(1)2(1).sig" file. (S12)

Then you can do a .add/.subtract or process to get the result and then save or addtoresultree.

Hope this helps.

anyones have some totourial about cst scripting

Anyone know how to extract the Q-Value from the \Tables\0D Results\ folder? I use Q1=invoke(mws, 'SelectTreeItem','Tables\0D Results\Q-Value-h-field (f=resf)') but it does not give me the q-value that is calculated from the simulation. I get Q1 = 1. Please help.

Can you please tell me how can i see the .sig files in the 'Results' file ? I can't see them in the 'Result' file even if i see the s11 plot after the simulation? This problem appears only in CST 2011. When i simulate with 2008 version i can see them.

Thank you

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