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Gain v/s Frequency plot in HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello everyone,

I have a doubt regarding plotting of Gain (dB) v/s Frequency plot in HFSS. I firstly plotted it for Φ=0 deg and θ varying from -180 to +180 deg. Then what i want to ask is which orientation should i select, i.e. for which θ value, my gain plot should be considered.

When i plot the polar plot of radiation pattern for my multiband antenna, i got maximum gain at Φ=0 and θ=0 for three frequencies while -ve for the fourth frequency with the above orientation. Do i need to select that orientation for which the fourth frequency also gives +ve gain.

In other words, please help me in selecting the orientation of antenna in terms of Φand θ values to plot the gain plot in rectangular co-ordinates in HFSS.

Thanks in advance.


It's an almost impossible question to answer, as nobody knows the orientation of your antenna, the type of antenna, or the way you have drawn it in HFSS. Also we need to know what you want to know about the antenna.

I suggest you give a lot more information. Posting the .hfss file will probably help others to help you.

Use a 3d polar plot to get the full shape of the farfield. Then select from this plot the two angels you want.
If you want only the maximum gain: this parameter is available under "antenna parameters".

Thanks Flanello;
Are you referring to "Peak Gain" term. If yes, then again the problem is when i do sweep analysis, what should be the phi and theta values.
Going by your first suggestion, what i can infer is to plot for whole range of theta values and then select the one which gives the highest gain. Am i correct?

Please reply.

Thanks in advance.

Yes I mean the Peak Gain. It doesn't matter what phi and theata value use with the peak gain.

Yes you could plot the whole range and then select the direction with the highest gain.

thanks a lot.

is it means for selecting gain Vs freq plot phi and theta should be all ? I have assigned infinite sphere for theta = -180 to 180, and phi 0 to 90.
1) shall i take both values 0 every time to plot the graph ?
2) which gain value should be selected which gives max gain or for the resonant frequency which get from return loss graph

thanking u in anticipation

You should use the angles that you are interested in.
Plot at first a 3d diagram at one frequency to identify the desired angles.
If you want the maximum gain, you could use "peak gain" under "antenna parameters". The selected angle doesn't matter for this.

Hi. I am new to HFSS. I want to get the Gain vs Frequency, Axial Ratio vs Frequency and the radiation patterns according to the journal paper attached. I have also attached the hfss project file. I am not getting the desired the graphs. Can anyone help me where I am doing wrong? Thanks

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