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how to plot a max gain versus frequency in HFSS version 10

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear all,
how to plot a max gain versus frequency in HFSS version 10? I write a command in output variable in creating report. The command is max(db(Gaintotal)). When the program has been running for at least 6 hours after I woke up but still running. Am I doing wrong things? Can anybody help me? Thank you

Hi, I have just found how to plot (maxGain)vs(freq).

Here is how to...

1. Right click result
2. Creat Far Field Report-->Rectangular Plot
3. In the dialogue window appearing, select "Antenna Parameters" in "Category". Then, select "PeakGain" in "Quantity"

By the way, I have not experimentally tested the result of peak gain result.

上一篇:FDTD Code In Matlab (HELP)

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