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Question regarding the antenna gain

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
I designed an antenna on hfss according to an ieee article. I am shure that there is no mistake in my design. When I simulate(analyse all) my design, it gives me a maximum peak gain of -0.0138 dB. On the ieee article, it says that the antenna max gain is between 0.5 an 1 dBi and that the measured peak gain was obtained using the gain transfer method with the standard gain horn antenna as used as a reference. How can we explain that? Is there the logic behind?
Thank you

Can you give IEEE paper refrence?
The classic gain-transfer method assumes a uniform plane wave incident over the apertures of the gain-transfer standard (typically a standard-gain horn) as well as the antenna under test. Variations in the incident field over the quiet zone of an antenna test range can produce large errors in the estimated gain of the antenna under test. These errors can be significant, especially when there is a large difference in aperture dimensions between the antenna under test and the standard-gain horn.

What can I do in my hfss design to get similar gain result as they wrote?

The name of the article is "Novel Compact Circularly Polarized Patch Antenna
for UHF RFID Handheld Reader". The realized gain after design and simulation is not equal to the gain that they mention in the article "3.5 to 4 dBiC"?
In that article they also don't show some gain graphic or the gain 3D model, they only say that I should have between 3.5 and 4. Also, I noticed that it's not the only article of this kind that gives a gain a lot lower than what they mention in their article ? What should I do in HFSS to see between 3.5 and 4 dBiC after simulation?

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