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is there a way of improving my bandwidth

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Thanks for the replies -

The design I am using is a microstrop line inset fed patch. Permitivity = 4.1, Height = 1.6mm which are my contraints. Resonant frequency of 2.45Ghz

Also, I will try to perform current plot and see if I can get some help out that way.

Hay Jamesanton , I dont know anything about E-Patch. Can you eloborate plz.

Hey abdoeng can you tell what are these optimizer alogorithms. Thanks

I will see that paper thanks

Again, THanks for your replies

The easiest way to enhanced the bandwidth is to cut a slot in your patch, you can use hsff or other simulation software to analysis the current distribution and cut the slot to change the current path... it will help to enchance the bandwidth of your microstrip antenna.

Hello friends,

Though as soon as we see bandwidth improvement ,the first thing that comes to mind is creating slots, though be cautions that after slots are made it also might affects the polarization properties of the antenna. Like for example if you cut rectangular patches at extremes in circular patch antenna it gives rise to LHEP antenna if feed point is in 4th quadrant and to RHEP if feed point is in 2nd Quadrant
The best and simplest method is
1.Multi layer substrates
2. Adding air gap/layer between gnd plane and patch
3. Lowering dielectric const (Using foam based dielectric medium like thermacol instead of FR-4 glass epoxy).
4. Creating slot at the center(this affects polarization the least

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