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hfss simulation of shielding effectiveness

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
I would like to determine the shielding effectiveness of a box utilizing HFSS. I figure that I need to utilize an incident plane wave. I can view the fields on the box, but what I really need are the fields inside the box or the transmitted field. Can someone help with this setup or document how to determine SE? What solution type do I need and how can I view the fields leaking into the box through holes and slots?

Figured it out. It is easier to do using power density rather than field density.

1st define a box around the outside of your enclosure. Using the select face option, select each face of the outer-box. Select Edit Create Object from Face.

Do the same for a box on the inside of your enclosure.

Then using the calculator, define the Power incident on each face of the inner box. In the calculator tool>Copy Vector_RealPointing to the stack. Select Geometry and select a face defined on the inner box; click Normal, click Integration sign, click Abs. Click add - give the function a name.

Repeat for each face of the inner box.

Copy each new function to the stack, click + 5 times. Click add - give new function a name.

Repeat for the Outer box all steps for outer box.


This can now be plotted in a rectangular plot

I didn't know how to calculate SE either. Thanks for sharing!

H tajeda11i, I just tried as your method but some flaw there is.

First, When I create the object from a face chosen at the box, then go to calculater, I found the object doesnt appear in the options when I select 'geometry'. There are four classes of geometry: point, line, surface, object. In the surface option, only the box appear without the new object.

Second, what solution type and exitation should be used to calculate metalic shielding effectiveness in a plane wave illumination senario?

Thank you for your time to read my questions, looking foward for your opinions.


Also, I would like to effects of shielding situation with HFSS application. Are there any examples for shielding application with HFSS. I would like to see effectiviness of shielding with HFSS programme.

Dear all.........
Can any one know how to do shielding effectiveness in hfss.
i need to simulate se for a enclosure
please help me to do.

thanking you.

regards gobinath

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