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How to use plane wave with floquet port ?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am a new user of HFSS and also a newer of electromagnetic theory.

I want to simulate a periodic model using floquet port (with normal incidence). When I configured the excitation parameters of floquet port (in the Tab Floquet Port -> Modes Setup ), I found that I can only use the TE or TM mode (in some examples downloaded from web, someone set the mode parameters m and n to zero). I wonder why n and m can be set to zero and what is that mean. Can I use the TEM mode with normal incidence using floquet port?

Additionally in some other examples ("HFSS v11 Getting Started with HFSS: Floquet Ports" downloaded from web. A airbox lies over waveguide box), after setting the master/slave boundaries, the author only uses the floquet port into airbox part (its top face), while the bottom face (waveguide part) is just set to an excitation mode of wave port. Is this port also periodic?

Thanks a lot,


I have attached two documents about Floquet to this reply. I think these are interesting.


The files are really useful for me.
Thanks a lot.

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