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Can HFSS simulate at very low frequency, ex 1Hz?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone,

In my opinion, I will obtain inductance of a helical coil if I simulate it at very low frequency.

Can HFSS simulate structure at low frequency, ex 1 Hz? If not, what is the minimum frequency?

Many thanks

There should be no minimum frequency. The simulation effort depends on the structure size in relation to wavelength. I presume you are analyzing structures of limited size, e.g. < 10 m. In this case 1 Hz can be analyzed as simple magnetostatic case.

Yes. Thank FvM for your enthusiastic!

I have one more question about how to calculate Inductance of helical coil.

I want to calculate inductance of helical coils in HFSS.

I have two kinds of helical coils: Open end and short end as showed in the picture.

In helical coils, we need to take into account stray capacitance. So Z= j(wL-1/(wC)).

These coils are self-resonance, so having self-inductance and self-capacitance.

So, we can not rely on formula: L=Im(Z(1,1))/(2*pi*Freq)

Can you help me calculate L and C, separately, in HFSS? Is this possible? Many thanks

I don't believe that winding capacitance plays a role for 1 Hz or even kHz frequency.

Hi FvM,

My purpose here is that I use these coils for Wireless Power Transfer using Magnectic Resonance at 13.56 Mhz.

So I need L and C of coils.

Do you have any idea for this issue?

Many thanks,

HFSS can operate on low frequencies, but still in frequency domain.
To simulate DC and low-frequency circuits you better use some time-domain software.
BTW, Maxwell is designed to simulate electromagnetic components, like coils, motors, etc.
Helical coil is a neat thing. It is not just self-resonant, there are resonances of all kinds and orders you could imagine, it is chiral, and not just that, but the longitudinal field component is very strong...so, if you put there a linearly polarized wave, you'll get something different on the other side. actually, a pain in the ass when working around low-order resonance. But generally those are simple delayers when operating above the resonance.
Yes, you can simulate it in HFSS, but around resonance you'll take pain setting up the meshing and waiting weeks for the result from most powerful workstation you can imagine.

So, actually it is interesting. If you find some references on calculating L, C and dispersion in general, please, share that secret knowledge here

that depends on the size, I believe... mm scale coils have lowest order resonances at microwave band...
So, getting 1 Hz is really a question. MHz frequencies, are accessible, I believe.

上一篇:quarter wavelength line

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