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Software to simulate conducted emissions or similar

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi All,

I trying to find a software which could give a good estimation about conducted emission test with a circuit given. We have the capability in house to do pre-scans, but it is so consuming time when we are testing different components ( solder components, unsolder components, sometimes we need to use a hot plate...etc)...It would be handy if we had a software which simulates the conducted emission test, then we could seek for a good result on simulation and then do a pre-scan before send the product to the test house.

Any advise or suggestion?


Creating an accurate 3D material model in Comsol and others is also very time consuming unless it is an addon SSk to your design tool "seat".(SSSk)

Designing it right the 1st time, takes experience and time or consultant.

Testing is easy and quick if your design is good, otherwise COMSOL or other 3D tool will also take experience time. Get/Make a LISN and use SA.

What's so hard about CE compliance? It just takes strong design experience about impedance ratios and properties of dynamic impedance in switches. THere are lots of line filter simulation tools

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