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How can you tell the polarization of an arbitrary antenna in HFSS?

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:

How can you tell the polarization of an arbitrary antenna in HFSS?


In general, the polarization of the radiating element is determined by the orientation of the fields and current.
For example the dipole has a polarization vector determined by the current on it.
In farfield, in the horizon direction is actually parallel to the current vector on the dipole.

What is the type of antenna you are refring to?

Look at the field/current on the excitation, think about the way the fields propagate inside the feeding mechanism and when you get to the radiating fields you can deduce the polarization of the antenna.

Try looking at the field orientation using the vector field display.. That should give you a fair idea regarding linear polarizations.

If you look at the axial ratio of the simulation and if it is between 1 and 2, it is almost circular and if like 4-6, i think you can fairly assume it to be elliptical...


can any body plz help me to understand polarization of my antenna,i draw rEx and rEy vs theta then calculate Ey/Ex and converting into db i consider it axial ratio value which is found to be 2 db,similarly i use ERHCP+ELHCP/ERHCP-ELHCP and converting into db i got axial ratio value aproximatly 2db but when i draw axial ratio vs frequency curve AR was higher than 3db and having lower value only at one frequency now can i said my antenna is circular polarized or not?how to find phase between e vectors is 90?

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