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determining antenna polarization

时间:03-29 整理:3721RD 点击:
in order to measure the radiation pattern of an antenna both the antenna should be of same polarization.

1. how to determine the polarization of the antenna. can you tell by looking at an antenna.

2. if in datasheet it's written only linear then which type of polarization it is horizontal or vertical. also suppose if it says horizontal then does it matter in which direction it is in that horizontal plane. because in one plane it's possible to have many direction. (see tx antenna details)

3. suppose in the datasheet suppose it says vertical polarization then what does it mean(see the datasheet of monopole, nothing has been given about the polarization, so if i am using this as my receiver antenna for measuring radiation pattern for another antenna, then how should i keep this. vertically then it's pattern is omni directional is in horizontal plane and it is vertically polarized(assuming).

nothing has been given in the tx antenna datasheet how they are keeping the antenna to obtain that radiation pattern, only how the assembly needs to be done on the board that is given. so from their i took a guess that it is omnidirectional in tx antenna plane.

so for my experiment if i have kept the monopole as my receiver and i kept it horizontally, then the tx antenna also if i have kept horizontally then is their polarization same for this condition.

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