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energy extraction from solar

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
i was just thinking about the way we extract power from solar.
i will be writing up some thoughts which hooked up my mind. If i am somewhere wrong do tell..
what i now all about solar energy is,it is renewable source of energy, we extract solar energy by using PV panels...etc etc..
When i was a newbie on this site my first thread was """can we extract energy from radio waves or may be from any range of em spectrum (like may be ir,radio..) here is that thread link: https://www.edaboard.com/thread294240.html
so finally i came to a conclusion that :: "ok now if at all electricity has to be produced using radio waves it will not be that efficient(means may be hardly less that 50-53%) or rather, i will quote it like this ""if at all i will use either of the em radiations to produce electricity then the efficiency will be too low" i.e i will have to spend a lot & what i will get is very much little out of it. right.agree?.

ok now if u consider solar energy the most talked renewable source of energy,
aren't we going back to the same phenomena that we were initially contradicting about making electricity using radio waves? where even light is a kind of em waves... aren't we using the same band from em spectrum to utilize this solar energy?

Try to rather look to the nature. The Sun radiates most of energy in the IR spectrum, some in the visible and much less in radio or microwave spectrum.
To convert the nominal 1 kW per one square meter, the best way is to use a blackened absorber to generate heat or hot water. The efficiency of this water heating is ~80 %.
People love complex solutions, so they invented expensive semiconductors, make solar panels and achieve 10% efficiency.
Other people spend money to transmit radio and TV signals and other people try to steal some of that energy and "harvest" it. The efficiency of such process is below 0.1% but people love to spend money to get the "free" energy. At "any cost" they catch so much energy to chArge a capacitor over one hour, to get a LED to blink over a tenth of a second.

Good luck, spend all the money for this nonsense!

But you see there is such an intense energy in sun(solar) you can just feel it's intensity but very sad that there is no such technology available till date to extract utmost power..
any way,
i would just like you to tell me that now-a-days we extract power from solar using PV cells fine...So as u have quoted that only 10% efficient these panels are so i want to know why is that we have not able to extract utmost energy & make it atleast may be make this process 75% effecient?

Go and search some papers on latest progress in solar cell technology. There are many new technologies, most complex and expensive while the claimed efficiency of up to 40 per cent will never be realized. The best way is to heat water for home use. In Arizona and Spain there are solar plants using solar heat only, with efficiencies above 60 per cent. People are crazy to put money in solar cells. When new the claimed efficiency is 14 per cent but aging pushes it down below 10. But it is a fashion, and some governments support these guys by taxing others. Windmills are also many, and in California and Texas I saw many stopped. The electrical power grid is also overloaded when the wind blows and when it stops, coal and gas plants must be ready.

Solar energy is becoming an increasingly important part of the world's renewable energy. The paper also examined how different bypass diode arrangements could affect the maximum power extraction characteristics of a solar system. It would be ideal to make a move from non-renewable heating sources like gas to solar on a grander scale, so research is ongoing to make solar energy a more cost-effective alternative for people around the world. If you want more information you can browse us.

Thanking You

where is this information?

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